Applications are now being accepted for the City of Columbia’s Human Rights Enhancement Program (HREP). Through the program the city is interested in contracting with local organizations to provide human rights educational services in the community.
Services pertaining to the issues of discrimination, diversity, inclusion, tolerance, multicultural education and related human rights issues are considered for funding. Collaboration between organizations and individuals concerned with human rights issues is encouraged.
Contracts for up to $500 are solicited on an on-going basis utilizing a standing Request for Proposals (RFP) process. The HREP RFP for each fiscal year is issued on a first come, first served basis from Aug. 16 through Aug. 15 (or until all funding is allocated). Proposals submitted by the 15th of each month are considered at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Human Rights Commission.
Visit the City of Columbia website for proposal forms and more information about the HREP.