As part of its inaugural celebration of International Education Week, the College of Education at MU will be showing the film “Crossing Borders” on Monday, Nov. 12.
“Crossing Borders” is an award-winning documentary directed by Arnd Wächter, managing director of the Morocco Exchange nonprofit, which promotes intercultural study. A description of the film from its website:
” ‘Crossing Borders’ is a seventy minute documentary that follows four Moroccan and four American university students as they travel together through Morocco and, in the process of discovering ‘The Other,’ discover themselves. With group travels and frank discussions, the students confront the complex implications of the supposed ‘clash of civilizations’ between Islam and the West. The relationships formed through shared experiences contrast sharply with the media-shaped views Americans and Muslims have of each other. Humor, honesty and a willingness to be challenged all bring individuals closer to each other and the relationships that develop disarm hidden stereotypes. ”
Time/Date: 4:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 12
Location: Tate Auditorium in Tate Hall at MU (map)
Cost: This event is free and open to the public.
For more information: Contact Gabrielle Malfatti-Rachell, director of International and Intercultural Initiatives in the MU College of Education, via email or by phone (573-882-0732).