Abdullahi An-Naim is director of the Religion and Human Rights Program of the Law and Religion Program at Emory University School of Law. An-Naim, who is from Sudan, is director of the Fellowship Program in Islam and Human Rights and is a Charles Howard Candler Professor of Law at Emory Law School. He is an internationally recognized scholar of Islam and human rights, religion and human rights, Islamic law and criminal law. Research interests include constitutionalism in Islamic and African countries, and Islam and politics. Projects include advocacy strategies for reform through internal cultural transformation.
The lecture is the second Distinguished Lecture on Religion and Public Life sponsored by the MU Department of Religious Studies and is presented by the Rufus Monroe and Sofia Hougaard Paine Lectures in Religion.
Free and open to the public.
April 20, 2009 – 7-9 p.m.
114 Physics Building
University of Missouri